So many Disney movies end with a “happily ever after” moment. The idea of a fantastical love affair may seem impossible to some of us – usually real life is a little more complicated. But it looks like at least one young woman has managed to show that it’s possible. Not only that, but she’s gone viral on TikTok after she shared footage of her now-boyfriend waving at her at Disneyland years before they even started dating.
Disney cast members may deal with some ridiculous guest interactions while they’re on the clock, but their jobs do come with great perks, too. One that isn’t officially in the benefit package, but that at least one employee has encountered, is finding your partner at the park. But back in 2019, that’s what happened for one young man – and his now-girlfriend captured the moment they first locked eyes and shared it with all the hopeless romantics out there.
In the now viral clip shared on her TikTok account, anyssatano shows us all that sometimes fated fairytale romances really can happen in real life. Take a look at the sweet video here:
@anyssatano When I tell you I almost died of excitement that day 😂😂😂
In the accompanying caption, Anyssa says that she “almost died of excitement that day.” But if she thought she was excited then, it must be even more thrilling to realize the Cinderella coach driver that made your heart flutter years ago ended up being your main squeeze today. She’s probably glad she stayed late at Disneyland to watch the parade he was a part of, because it makes their romance that much more special.
It seems like these days, Disney theme parks have become a hub for a lot of viral romantic connections (and missed opportunities). At Disney World, a young man was foiled by a cast member while he was attempting to propose – and of course someone on social media had to record the moment he was escorted out of the park. When another guest’s wedding party – which closed down the entire park – went viral, TikTok users couldn’t help but wonder how much they had shelled out for the VIP treatment.
These kinds of moments are likely way better for the brand than some of the other viral incidents they’ve weathered recently. Late last year, some fans used social media to express their displeasure when they found their Disneyland restaurant reservations had been canceled last minute. That viral Reddit post about how the park handles guests vomiting was informative but probably not the kind of information they’d want to be floating around the internet. And Disney World definitely could have done without the Twitter video that showed one of their attractions on fire. (Though all of these were probably preferable to the attention the company has had in the wake of LGBTQIA+ employee walkouts.)
With all of these unforgettable events happening at Disney parks lately, it seems more possible than ever that any guest could wind up in the midst of a viral moment of their own. But even if you’d rather avoid internet infamy, there are some amazing new Disney attractions slated for 2022.
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